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© Copyright Nat Lowden
Statement Of Intent

Age Does not define Us, A Portrait Of Kent.  


The Book is going to be about the portrait of Kent and primarily focusing on people over the age of 55. The book is going to imply that people are old by the images with being able to speak for themselves the work is important to start the Portrait of Kent series and allow it to develop and get bigger as I Progress on. I am going to look at the book invisible Britain and I am planning on shooting in the Style of Niall Mcdrimand as my work looks similar to his. This will be based on the theme cruel and tender with this linking to age.

The Methodologies for this project is going to revolve elderly people this will all be shot on location in Ashford, Canterbury and Folkestone, with the subject being in the middle section of the frame to make the shots look tender.  This work is going to be done by showing what they look like when I stop them on the streets so this way I can make sure that I am not getting the wrong idea. I think this is important when looking at the project.

The indented Audience for this is going to be for people who are interested in people who are going invisible. The end work will be done to go inside a book which is for the module. In the Future, I Would Like to get done at a publisher.

Equipment Used

I am going to be using the Nikon D3400 with a 35mm prime lens and a Nikon 55 - 200mm lens, this will be done to get the correct lighting  levels and it will work for the style of portrait I am after. I am going to use natural lighting when working with daylight while at night I will use the camera’s built in flash. 


The money that I am going to be spent will be on a train ticket to the location and I will be borrowing equipment from university or using my own equipment.

Detailed Time Frames

I am not planning on making the biggest time frame as I am planning on shooting it when I see interesting subjects . The work will be complete by 6th January 2020 for hand in. The work will be designed using InDesign or Blurb to get the right look.


For this I am going to research a book by Paul sng Invisible Britain : portraits of hope and resilience to show what is going on in the world and this will all link to the work that will come from this. I will also research John Londei Book: Shutting up shop because of the styling which I love plus this book has information about the place and what it is like today.

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