Shoot 4&5 Evaluation, Description
Step 1: Description
When and where did it happen?
The Shoot took place on Tuesday 22nd October 2019 with the location being Ashford Town Centre. (4) Then shoot took Place on Thursday 24th October 2019, with the Location being: North Holmes Road and inside the university grounds. (5)
Who was involved and what did other people do?
No-one was involved in the shoot they were just models that I stopped on the street and I ask to get a portrait of them.
What did you do yourself?
I was the photographer which meant that I could get the shots that I was after. This was done with it being done without an assistant.
What was the result of these actions?
The result of these actions allowed a series of Portraits to come out afterwards to be used in creating the book.
Shoot 4&5 Evaluation, Feelings
Step 2: Feelings
What did you feel leading up to the event?
Leading up to the shoot I felt that I wanted to document people in my spare time, so I took advantage of the breaks in order to shoot them in a certain style. Leading up to the shoot I wanted the subject in the correct style so I can get the message from the subject.
What did you feel during the event?
During the event, I was determined to capture the subjects and get portraits of them I made sure that they came out looking OK. During the shoot with Auldry, the problem here, to begin with, is that the shots were overexposed once I made the exposure lower it made the shots stand out and come together.
What did you feel after the event?
Looking back I felt pleased that I got some of the names of the subjects allowing me to work on what they are all about and making the book make more sense.
How do you look back on the situation?
Looking back at the shoot I feel pleased with that I have changed what was wrong with the images to make sure that they can all stand out and make sense to the viewer with having the names and ages.
What do you think other people felt during the event?
They were not bothered with me asking to get the portrait of them as I explained what I was doing and it came out how I wanted.
How do you think others feel about the event now?
I do not know how people feel about the shoot now because I am not in communication with them. At the time of writing this, I need to email the group of 4 the shots.
Shoot 4&5: Evaluation: evaluation & Analysis
Step 3: Evaluation
Step 4: Analysis
What went well during the event or activity? Why was that?
I think to ask for the subjects name and ages but a human twist on this as I could but more of a connection to the subject this way compared if I was doing it on there own. The shoot went well as I could shots of couples and shots of them on there own which made it work even more.
What didn’t go so well? Why was that?
I think with one of the shots having a poor choice of exposure made it fail but that was overcome by changing the layout of the subject to make sure that this all stands out when understanding the shots. This was the main problem as I have learned from my mistakes.
What was your contribution?
For the shoot I was the photographer, this allowed me to capture portraits of the subjects to allow them to stand out to everyone.
What contribution did other people make?
No one else contributed other than being a model due to me shooting on my own on location.
Analysis: What have you learned from the situation, event or activity?
I have learned that it is important to get the names of the subjects because it makes it more meaningful and that I can understand what the subject is all about without having the smokescreen by the side. I am pleased that I have learned from previous attempts for it all to come together.
Shoot 2: Evaluation: Conclusion & Action Plan
Step 5: Conclusion
Step 6:
Action Plan
To what positive experience did the event, situation or activity lead?
I think the main positive of this shoot has been able to say that I have Improved on the errors of my way in the earlier shoots and I made the shoot come together and stand out for people to look at my works. This has been the shoot that it has come to understand the subject a bit more.
To what negative experience did the event, situation or activity lead?
The only negative has been some of the lightings on some of the shots were easily fixed but this has been the strongest shoot that I have done for this project.
What will you do differently if the event, situation or activity were to happen again in the future?
I would not change a lot as it came out perfect maybe get the levels of the subjects the same so they are all seen as being equal.
Which skills do you need to develop yourself in a similar event, situation or activity?
I do not think I need to develop more skills but I would add more of them looking the same.
Action plan
This shoot will also incorporate other images brought into the project.